"Actually, "The House by the Railroad" was the INSPIRATION for the Bates House in the 1960 version of "Psycho", not inspired by the movie."

"Janet Leigh, born Jeanette Helen Morrison Vera Miles, born Vera June Ralston"

"How about the original Psycho? First moment: Shower scene Second moment: Finding Mother in the basement"

"Also, maybe the Bueller residence from Ferris Bueller's Day Off."

"Maybe Shawshank Prison from The Shawshank Redemption? Technically the prisoners live there... If you do put it on here, you can probably use movie screenshots, or look up Mansfield/Ohio State Reforma"

"If they do a remake of "The Birds," it'll probably end up like the remake of "Psycho"... pointless and stupid. Don't mess with the Hitch."

"Ben Kingsley: French in 2011's Hugo. John Rhys-Davies: In addition to a Dwarf in LOTR, he was Treebeard the Ent."

"Audio Science? Sounds like the name of a college class, not a person."

"Why no classic horror movies (i.e. movies that aren't made post'90's, ones that don't deal with mostly blood, guts, and gore)?"

"Matthew Broderick played Ferris Bueller (17/18 y.o. character) as a 23/24-year-old. Moaning Myrtle actually made sense to be played by an older actress, so she'd look the same over several movies. It"

"The pic of the Wonka factory's from the 1971 version, not the 2005 version, which is the one on the list..."

"Haha. The picture for Psycho is my favorite part of the whole movie."

"Um... actually, Eowyn vs. the Witch King was in The Return of the Ring, not The Fellowship of the Ring..."

"Here's a good list (and some of the cliches here have been used): http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7740340/1/Rules_for_Being_a_Horror_Movie_Character"

"I liked Richard Harris better as Dumbledore."

"One band I think should be on this list: Elvis Perkins in Dearland."

"Norman Bates Also seen in the sequels: "Psycho II" "Psycho III" "Psycho IV: The Beginning""